Kamis, 26 November 2015

Latest package Tidung Thousand Islands

Tidung is a place that tourist island Djakarta, in the district of Thousand. It is divided into two, namely, the Big Island and Small. Tidung by the Small and bridges. This evolved in the direction of marine and reef snorkeling.

The place is located in the Southern Islands part of the journey takes approximately THREE of Angke passengers. Several years Island Tourist ogled by tourists who do not even make nautical exotic locations.

Love is an icon at the end of Tidung.
BST package Tidung 2015-2016:
Tremendous save Tidung TWO INCH Day Night
Tidung TWO INCH Day Night
Complete Tidung TWO INCH Day Night
Complete Tidung TWO THREE Day Night
Tidung TWO INCH Day Night Speedboat

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